Acupuncturist针灸师 Weiting Liu 5149952668
Clinique Bobol de massothérapie tuina inc
1497 Boul. de Maisonneuve E, Montréal, QC CANADA H2L 2B2
Where can we serve you?
11 Aug 2024
Acupunctrice针灸师 Weiting Liu
4 May 2021
How about "Zheng-GuTuina" of Zhang Ning (BOBOL)
Zheng-GuTuina of Zhang Ning (BOBOL) was integrated in many years of clinical practice.
"Zheng-Gu" means to Correct bones/Bone setting
The purpose is to balance the spine bones throughout the body. At the same time, by clicking or pushing the adhesion points of the tendons, the bone structure is displaced, and the energy is quickly transmitted to the distal end.
When the trigger points switch is clicked, the blood will flow faster, so as to achieve the alignment of the bones, the softness of the tendons, blood flow
A very scientific clinical technique
It has a symptomatic treatment, no messy and ineffective treatment, and always acts on the focus of the disease.
The effect is magical.
张宁移民后于2008年 8月18日创立自己的诊所Clinique bobol de massotherapie tuina Inc.
Our philosophy is based on the balance of yin and yang of the universe, everything in harmony, the human meridian reconcile care for each other health, to create a harmonious living
张宁(BOBOL)来自民间,在家传与师承的多年中医外治的治疗临床实践中,整合了一套全身脊柱骨骼理筋推拿术, 通过骨结构触诊、经筋疗法、阴阳脉诊等,对症施术,效果神奇。
治疗后迅速缓解头痛、消除疲劳、改善睡眠,对于落枕、肩颈 痛、腰背痛、腰腿痛等问题处理后效果立竿见影
5 Dec 2014
Témoignage/From Patients Feedback
J'ai vécu en Taiwan pendant 3 ans alors je souffrais de douleurs lombaires, j'ai suivi des traitements de massages taoïstes qui m'ont grandement soulagés mais hélas je suis revenu au Quebec. Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise de retrouver une clinique de massage de ce type a Montreal. J'ai essaye et maintenant ,,,,,,,,je suis guéri. Merci a Bobol …
Témoignage 3
Hier, j'ai pu apprécier un massage qui a soulagé mes tensions lombaires. J'arrivai d'une longue route non-stop, et j'étais courbaturé.
Le masseur Mr.BOBOL, a utilisé une technique sans douleur et efficace, je le conseille fortement.
Yesterday I enjoyed a massage that eased my lumbar's tension . I've driven a long road non-stop, and I was hurting.
Mr. BOBOL, used a painless and efficient technique, I highly recommend him.
Benoit St-Laurent 2012.11.20
Témoignage 4
Just a word to express my gratitude for your work; you are really the best therapist I ever visited. You work very hard and I know you will achieve a lot. Your knowledge of human body is impressing.
Claude from Trois-Rivières
20 Sept 2009
About Us
Basé sur le Taoïsme, notre but est de balancer le physique, le mental et le spirituel de nos clients.
Welcome to Clinique Bobol de massothérapie tuina.Taoism is one of the ancient Chinese religions, famous as Confucianism. Taoists believe the Three Treasures: physical, mental and spiritual in their essential life.
Based on Taoism, our aim is to balance physical, mental and spiritual for customers.